December 29, 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City

The fields of Earth, Mines, and Environmental sciences (EME) have emerged and evolved alongside with the evolution of human society, and have created a profound impact on all aspects of life and socio-economic development through utilizing natural resources, impacting the environment, and driving global change. The robust development of these areas serves as the foundation for various other fundamental and applied sciences, and concurrently acts as a catalyst for technological advancements worldwide, contributing to the common prosperity and safety of humankind as well as the conservation of the blue Earth. 

Global change, rapid development of science and technology, and the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) create many opportunities and challenges for sustainable development. Vietnam, being one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change and natural disasters, is devoting great efforts to achieve sustainable development goals and net zero emissions by 2050 as well as to improve productivity and national competitiveness. In this context, innovation, digital transformation in training, basic and applied research on EME become more urgent than ever for green, circular development and response to global change, sustainable development, prosperity, and safety of the country, the region and the world.

Against such considerations, Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City, in collaboration with Viet Nam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration, the Interdisciplinary Council for Professorship of Earth - Mining Sciences, as well as various research institutes and local and international higher education institutions, jointly co-organizes the International Conference “Earth and Environmental Sciences, Mining for Digital Transformation, Green Development and Response to Global Change” (GREEN EME 2023).

The GREEN EME 2023 is a forum for scientists, administrators, and businesses, who are passionate about Earth Science and Environment, Mining (EME) to meet, present and share their research findings, to engage in discussions, and to exchange solutions for a wide range of overall academic issues in these fields. The specific objectives include:

- Publishing outstanding research results and sharing, replicating achievements and experiences in innovation and digital transformation in fundamental and applied research and technology development in Earth Science, Mining, Environment, and related fields in order to advance economic efficiency, national competitiveness, sustainable development, national, regional and international safety.

- Proposing solutions to promote innovation in the fields of Earth Science, Mining, and Environment (institutions, policies, promoting educational science and technology, training of high-quality human resource, digital transformation, engagement, and enhancing collaboration with stakeholders, etc.) to meet the requirements of green, circular growth, and response to global change.

During the preparation for GREEN EME 2023, the Organizing Committee has received 86 scientific manuscripts. After a rigorous reviewing process, 33 highly valued articles were selected for publication in the conference proceedings and other 22 articles will be published in the "IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science". The Organizing Committee highly appreciates the efforts of the Editorial Board, domestic and international scientists and experts in either submitting their manuscripts or contributing valuable time to review and editing the articles. We would also like to thank the Secretariat for their efforts in preparing and organizing the conference as well as the sponsors for their important contribution. We believe that the GREEN EME 2023 will be successful and all the participants will have opportunities to meet, exchange ideas, and collaborate to propose sustainable development goals for the development of EME sectors.


The primary goal of the GREEN EME 2023 Conference is to attract esteemed scientists, leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs with a keen interest in Earth Sciences, Mining, Geology, and Environment (EME) to create a vibrant forum for exchanging specific research findings and addressing overarching academic issues in these fields. Specifically, the conference aims to achieve the following objectives:


Time and Venue


The articles with good quality in the proceedings will be selected to be published in "IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science" (a Scopus-indexed journal) after the EME 2023 Conference

Language and Conference Format

- Language: English

- Conference format: Hybrid (In-person and Online, subject to prevailing conditions).

Important Dates

- September 15, 2023: Deadline for abstract submission.

- September 20, 2023: Notification of abstract acceptance.

- October 30, 2023 November 20, 2023: Deadline for full-text submission. 

- November 15, 2023 December 30, 2023: Notification of full-text acceptance.

- November 20, 2023 December 15, 2023: Deadline for conference registration.

- December 29, 2023: Conference event/date.